fellow flickr friend, now turned good msn buddies, Pei Lin made me feel guilty for not trying out the recipes in the book "Paris Sweets" by Dorie Greenspan.. Since making tarts were always on my mind which I somehow never got around to do it, which I blame on the dazzling list of distracting recipes to try, I finally plucked up some courage and tried a really simple chocolate tart.

Sad to say, I don't think I've quite succeeded in ti as the chocolate filling seemed a little separated and..oily?? I wasn't sure if I'm supposed to wait till the chocolate as fully blended with the cream before adding the yolks..and the moment I did, the mixture looked separated, my heart ached for the expensive Valrhona. Heck! I shall continue and not waste my good chocolate. Turns out, the chocolate became smooth in the end, BUT was a little..oily..not like ganache at all! Felt like some water made its way in there and spoilt my chocolate mixture! argh!

Despite that, the chocolate took super long to set. Even after basking in the fridge for more than half an hour, the chocolate still remain pretty
soft. Check out the picture above and you'll see what I mean.
Maybe I was too anxious to take a peak and taste how it was leading to this very unsightly slice of tart, but mind you! This is definitely a tart you can't have in chunks! You'd probably DIE of chocolate over-dose and lose your voice the next day. *ah hem* if you know what I mean. The tart was buttery and fragrant but I'm not sure if it was supposed to taste that way as I haven't really had a tart? or made one?

Probably not THE best, but defnitely good enough for me. =D
so when are you trying out the chocolate swirl bread? S can jog to ur place. hee hee
hmm good question..i'll definitely let you know when i do =p
How come you only had a slice? Your siblings din't support you on this huh! But must agree that cannot eat too much. ha ha. .
hahah actually me and my bro had a slice each.
I think they not very interested in tarts bah..but I like the tart base quite alot! Jus nice my mum got some pastries voucher from Marriot and she bought fruit tarts. I can safely say i very much prefer the tart base i made =p The ones from the hotel were wayy too sweet. =p (well even my bro said so)
I'd post up the recipe when i'm free. I saw that you had a tart pan at home =p so maybe you can try. No need put chocolate, also can put cream and fruits? hehe
I use the tart pan to make chicken pie. Ha ha... I don't mind trying to make tarts with cream and fruits as long as it is simple to do. :-)
wahhhh! so when you gonna make the chicken pie for me? =p hehe..
Yea tarts with cream shouldnt be too difficult. Jus need the cream and cut the fruits? hahaha
Aiyo, paiseh lar! I actually made you feel guilty!!?? You made the one from Christian Constant? It looks really luscious!!!
Hey, now your pix can be the illustration for the "photo-less" recipe (and the entire book) LOL!!!
Hey, just looked at the book again ... Is it the one from La Maison du Chocolat?
yep yep that's the one. from La Maison du Chocolat =)
long time nvr do chicken pie liao n I haven't sccceed wif the edges. may make next week. Feel like eatin also. will let u know.
hahah okie! I'll be waiting~ hehe
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