Not wanting to use a ready-cake mix from betty crockers meant i'd have to search for my own cake base to use. I decided to try out with the velvety chocolate cake i used (for the handbag cake and valentine's day cake) but realised it is really really soft despite me freezing and chilling it! I'd probably would use a pound cake in future but for now, i'm running out of time to search for a good pound cake recipe, so i'd still stick to the velvety chocolate cake.
I'm not very pleased with the outcome although my brother could immediately tell it IS a dinosaur, but it looks nothing like the one in the video. The frosting was too thick! and the shape was lost (due to the super thick frosting) Seems like i have to learn to work faster and more accurately. It did cross my mind to use fondant instead cos it guarentees a smooth finish, but no one really likes eating fondant right?
My frosting skills are REALLY horrible and the very soft cake doesnt help =( Seem like i really have to work on it. Hopefully all turns out well when i have to make the real cake *cross fingers*

*I used 6" cakes for practice purposes and have reduced the template sizes respectively. Should you want a copy of the reduced template size, just email me @ lovingbaking@gmail.com. The original copy is meant for a 9" cake =)
Hi youfei,
This is so nice! It was at least created from scratch, no pre-mix, all sweat & toll! Give yourself a pat on the back! There's always a beginning...make this be your first! ;) Good attempt, well done. At least I can tell it's a monstrous dino! Hahaha...
Hi Jane,
Nice to hear from you! =) Thanks for the encouragement! I definitely need more practice!!
I'm glad you could tell it's a dino =p But as always, lots of room for improvement! =DD
hey fiona,
it's very cute and if i were the little kid receiving it I would be really excited
Hi Anna,
nice of you to drop a comment! =)
Well, I hope to do even better for the "real" thing =D
Thanks for the encouragement! see you this sunday! =DD
youfei (fiona)
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