Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Japanese Dark Pearl Cake

For some unknown reason, baking with chocolate always seems like a whole new science to me. Sometimes the recipe works, sometimes it doesn't. And as such, recipes with melted chocolate always leave me procrastinating, longer than usual. 

This Japanese Dark Pearl cake is no exception. I recalled being soooo intrigued by Bee Bee's post, that I jumped right at trying it out. Baking chiffons has always been a challenge to me, and I dare say, many other home bakers as well. Heard of those horror stories of cake collapsing, shrinking, fell like a bomb from the chiffon tin, I've been there, done that. Having had much success with an orange chiffon, then a pandan chiffon, I wondered if I could move on to the chocolate chiffon. 

Well I thought with a scoff, that's simple, just substitute part of the flour with cocoa powder. Ain't that easy? No. Not until I saw aunty yochana's post of this mysterious Japanese Dark Pearl Cake via HoneyBeeSweets.
I saw the texture and colour of Bee Bee's cake and it was simply screaming "chocolate overload!!!". How else would you get such deep, intense chocolate flavour with just cocoa powder in a chiffon?! Duh, melted dark chocolate!

I jumped right at the chance to try it out, it was the moment recipe I was waiting for. Then I read the comments at aunty yochana's and saw a number of "failures" and the debate about whether there was enough flour. I left a comment at Bee Bee's and her success was an assurance to me, so ahead, I went. I can't remember exactly what was I trying to bake or assemble, but I recalled being totally defeated while mixing the batter. The flour was soooo little, the chocolate relatively more and the egg yolk/cocoa batter was so thick and gooey, my arms ached while mixing them together. Even my whisk threated to fall apart because of its sticky pressure.  For some very odd reason, I can't recall what happened after that. I couldn't even remember if the batter made it into the oven, and if it did, did it even made its way to our tummies. I could only conclude that the failure was so disastrous that my memory had even refused to recall that sad episode.

I chanced upon this Dark Pearl Cake back right where I first saw it last night and was determined to make it right this time. I must say that the bad experience hit so hard, I had trouble sleeping. Wondering if it would be a success and wondering if I would be wasting a good 150g of Valrhona chocoalte. -_-'''

By the time I gathered enough courage to go ahead with this once-failed-cake , I had to realised that:

1. my cream of tartar expired. Just great
2. I had ZERO baking soda. even better

I was stunned and literally stared at the bowl of melted chocolate. I thought "It's might not work anyway, just do it. And if it works, all the more better isn't it?" . How naive isn't it? Read on..

Since the failure of the last attempt, I decided the batter had to be much much lighter for it to have a slight chance of succeeding. So I decided to whip the egg yolks till ribbon stage and fold in the rest of the ingredients of the "cocoa batter". Things started to look a little optimistic when I saw a familiar "egg yolk batter" density. Being afraid that it would deflate fast, I rushed to wash the mixer attachment and went on at lightning speed with the whites. uh-oh. Mistake. No cream of tartar remember? 

I almost freaked out when I saw the once familiar lumps of egg whites, turning from a cloud of white to a puddle of almost deflated foam. Yikes. I stopped immediately and knew it was over-beaten. It's either gonna rise super high and collapse like the twin towers or it's not gonna rise at all. But I can't afford to dump all of it into the bin now! What a waste it'd be. So I went ahead with it, folded it in with much difficulty because overbeaten whites are so lumpy they are hard to incorporate without trying to break them up with more force. I ended up with a more watery batter than the usual chiffon batter, said my prayers and off in the oven it went. 

Surprise surprise! It rose, and almost to the brim in fact! But, the battle ain't over until the cake is out and cooled. And so I waited, and waited. The cake came out, though badly cracked, I couldn't care less. Not in comparison if it would survive the cooling. overturned. 

The cake shrank, no doubt, but not terribly or badly, just the way some chiffons shrink upon cooling. and yay! It hung on until it was time to unmould and my my, look at that tender crumb.Boy! was I glad I did not give up. As adventurous as it may sound, I start to wonder if it would have overflowed if I had baking soda and if the whites to beaten to perfection..hmmm

Nonetheless, the recipe proves to be a bake-able one. 

Looks can be deceiving so the ultimate test still lies in the taste buds. And this sure is a winner. Though, I must say it's quite unlike most chiffons. It's not as light, it carries a certain body to the cake but definitely very very flavourful with a deep, dark intense chocolate sensation. Contrary to belief, the chocolate in the cake did not make the texture dry. In fact, the cake is so moist, I could literally hear the "whoosh" as my fork went through the cake as I ate. 

And of course, don't take my words for real. Try it yourself and be convinced! 

Japanese Dark Pearl Cake

Cocoa Batter:

150 gm. Chocolate - chopped (I used 70% Valrhona Chocolate)
90 ml. water
100 gm. corn oil ( I used sunflower oil)
25 gm. cocoa powder (I used Valrhona Cocoa powder)
65 gm. cake flour
1/2 tsp. bicarbonate of soda (substituted it with double action baking powder)
115 gm. egg yolks (I used 6 egg yolks)

Egg White Batter:

225 gm. egg white (~257g egg whites which is approximately 7 egg whites)
100 gm. castor sugar (I used raw sugar)
a pinch of salt (forgot to add it)
1/8 tsp. of cream of tartar (omitted it)

(1) Melt chocolate and stir till smooth. Add in cornoil slowly, stirring all the time till smooth. Fold in the rest of the ingredients and stir till smooth.   Whisk the egg yolks with ~30g of sugar (from the 100g) until pale and fluffy (ribbon stage). Whisk the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder together and mix together with the chocolate-oil mixture. Fold the beaten yolks slowly into the mixture, taking care not to deflate the mixture.

(2) Whisk egg white with cream of tartar till frothy, then pour in sugar gradually and then add in the salt. whiks till a soft peak is formed.
(3) Fold egg white into the egg yolk mixture and then pour into a 23" to 25 "  21" round chiffon cake pan.

(4) Bake at 175C  170C for about 45  40mins. or till cooked. till skewer inserted emerges with loose crumbs attached.

(5) Invert cake onto a cooling rack until completely cooled. Remove cake from pan and serve.

*Changes I made are in Italics.

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You Fei, your chocolate chiffon looks so good, horray you have successed! You are making me tempted to try again on chiffon baking but hor, I just failed again on Sun using new recipe with my modification (guess I am too acting smart), failed miserably failed cos the cake almost collapse to one side due to a big big hole:( so even I am tempted to bake in my heart but my mind asked me better not :P
All your fears came to nought! That is a good-looking chocolatey chiffon! Yay!
Yip yip hooray!! You did it and it is gorgeous!! So that term "once bitten twice shy" is a no no, better go with "don't give up, try try again!";) glad that it turns out so lovely.... And I remember it taste heavenly too, yum! ;)
Hi ladies,

Thanks for sharing my joy! =D

@Jess: If there was anything I'd say about perfecting a chiffon it'd be "never give up" and "practice makes perfect" =p Did you tap/bang the pan before sending it into the oven? I hope you'd not be deterred by that bad experience and try again hehe! I'd love to know how yours went =p

@busygran: Yes! indeed my fears came to nought! Your chiffon inspired me to bake a chiffon, I even bought pandan leaves, but this failure was too hard to miss. hahaha! I should do something with the leaves soon before they spoil =X

@Bee Bee: ohhhh yes! the taste is hevenly! The chocolate was so deep and intense, it's hard to believe it's coming from a chiffon cake. Thanks to your post that I persisted in believing that it'd work =p thanks! =DD
That's very brave of you to proceed again Youfei! But we know we usually don't give up right? Now you're talking. You have convinced me that it definitely taste good. I'm just attracted to anything chocolate, and a light and rich chocolate cake sounds perfect for me! Thanks for sharing your experience. Sounds like a good "ordeal"... :p
I have never heard of this cake before, but it's so chocolaty, it must be very yummy...!!
Wahaha! I SO remember this because I myself also have bookmarked this LONG, LONG time ago!!! HAHA! My to-do list is still growing ... Hmmm ...

Buddy, like I told you, have faith in whatever thing we do because you'll never what comes next ... Will catch up with you more online ... Lemme tell you something ... Should make you feel better. =)

The point is just do what pleases you, be it in baking, socializing and whatnot. The more I age, the more I realize I can't expect perfection every time. Things can't live up to my expectation every time. So, I just take it as a lesson learned. This is very different from what I used to think when I was still in the U.S. I guess we just change as we change. So, your Japanese Dark Pearl Cake episode is something worth looking into too ...

Pssss ... I haven't told you hor ... I had trouble with melting choc over the weekend. I made le gateau au chocolat grand-mere from "Paris Sweets" this weekend ... But tasted good! Will fill you in when the time comes!

Take care!

Love lots from KL,
Can I bookmark this? Love chocolate and your chiffon looks so good. Can't wait to try this.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Hi Jane,

I think when it comes to trying out something non-conventional, you beat me hands-down. So I'm sure this recipe wouldn't deter you at all. haha! If you really like something chocolatey and rich, this is something to try. That having said, the 70% and cocoa powder came through rather strongly that if you don't quite appreciate dark chocolate, you'd probably find it a little bitter.

Hi Cooking Gallery,

Thanks for dropping by! I've never heard of this cake before either until I saw it on aunty yochana's through honeybeesweets. =) Yes, it's really yummy! Perfect with tea or coffe too!

Hi Pei-Lin,

Your to-do list will only get longer and not shorter unless you quit blog hopping until your list runs out, which you and I both know is impossible hahaha!

I too agree we change as we age, but sometimes we still swing back to our old self which is hard to shake off at times =p

I can't wait for you to fill me in! YUMMY!
This cake got a very interesting name! The process does seem quite an adventure, and 'scary' ... Luckily you have made it thru, and the cake turns out very tempting. You know, I still owe my hubby a real good chocolate cake ;-)
Chiffon is my favourite, with additional melted chocolate in it, it must be super delicious!
Foodlover's avatar

Foodlover · 761 weeks ago

Hi! Great baking blog! :) Just a tiny suggestion, perhaps you could give ratings to each recipe you try out and blog about for 1) the ease of baking and 2) the taste of the final product. Keep on baking! :)
I love chiffon, so light and delicious. This cake looks absolutely heavenly! I'll have to give this recipe a go :-)
This chiffon is super nicely baked! I like it!
Hi quizzine,

Yep it sure does! I'm not quite sure why was it named as such but it's definitely dark and delicious.! I'm glad I risked baking it =p That's the thing about chocolate cakes, there's SO many recipes out there, and you're spoilt for choice. But as always, you can't quite go wrong on the taste when chocolate is involved =p

Hi DG,

I guess many of us like chiffon cos of its nice soft, pillowy texture! This one has melted chocolate in it and so the taste is really rich but its less soft than the usual chiffon. a little more "body" to it. But it is indeed really yummy!

Hi Foodlover,

Thanks for dropping by! Thanks for your suggestions that sounds that something worth working out with! =D
Hi Maria,

Do give it a try! It is however, not as light as the usual chiffon. But that may be also due to my overbeaten egg whites.

Hi Grace,

I'm flattered! Do give the recipe a shot, especially if you like dark chocolate flavours. =D

Hi D,

Thanks you thank you! Eat more k? haha!
2 replies · active 761 weeks ago
Ah, you've just convinced me to try this. I shall put this into my "to do list". And, I'm an ultra big fan of dark chocs, the darker it is, the more I'll like it. Thanks for "seeing me up"! :)
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
This cake looks so soft and yummy.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Then I must book mark this. Thanks for sharing.
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
That looks so yummy !!!

- Smita www.littlefoodjunction.blogspot.com
( fun food ideas for picky eaters )
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
I've gone through exactly the same ordeal as you in the chiffon cake making process! It is always a fear that all my efforts and cost may go to a waste. Even till now that I've succeeded a few times, it is never a gurantee. :)

I'll bookmark this recipe since 'm a chocolate lover! I'm expecting this to be a challenge since it uses melted chocolate.. must gather sufficient energy and time before i attempt it, in case I'd miss out any steps. ;)
1 reply · active 760 weeks ago
ian's mummy's avatar

ian's mummy · 760 weeks ago

yummy yummy!!!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Mmmmm....looks so soft and delicious! I need to get a chiffon tin to make this. I love to eat chiffon cake but have never made one. Maybe I'm just lucky that a friend always makes for me :D Being pampered like that is not good huh :P
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
This look really good!

BTW, if you have some lemon juice, you can always use that in place of Cream of Tartar. Salt works just fine too but some says it leaves a funny taste. Does your cake taste sourish without baking soda?
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

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